Monday, March 4, 2024

Interviews and Participant Obeservation

From now until the end of the semester, you will be doing participant observation and carrying out interviews about your culture of focus, through their food traditions. Make sure that you touch on as many topics that are covered in your text and that we have discussed in class, as you can. I wouldn't be a bad idea to skim through the topics remaining in the text (that we have not yet covered). Please take advantage of your extra-long spring break to get a real jump on this .

Topics to cover:

1. gender

2. Age

3. feasts/fasts

4. Core ingredients for meals

5. social status and food

6. Etiquette

7. meanings of certain foods and ingredients

8. cultural value of recipes

9. core foods

10. cooks and creativity/substitutions, etc.

and more. Look through the blogs or your text to get ideas. The rest of the term will be a deep dive into your culture through their food and will entail theming field notes and then reinterviewing based on questions that emerge from these "suspicious" themes 

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